RFID and payt systems

Waste management with RFID

Reduce the mixed waste with RFID

The frontier of tracking solutions in a world that is increasingly attentive to environmental issues is waste management. EasyRFID is specialized in projects for waste management and taxation with tracking technologies, and PAYT systems.

We cooperate with waste sector leaders both as tag suppiers and integrators of RFID system and labeling systems for the production lines of bags and bins .

Most common issues

Applying the 3R scheme - Reuse, Reduce, Recycle - is key to achieve environmental goals, that would translate in a great environmental benefit and massive savings for the administrations and governments .

Notwithstanding the semplicity of this scheme, the concrete application is far more complex as administration struggle to implement an efficient waste management system. This could be due to many different causes, but the biggest mistake of all made by the administrations is the negligence in recognizing an active role in the system to the subjects that produce the waste.

In fact, waste producers are rarely involved and given a key role in such waste management systems. Which is unbelievable, since they are the ones that produce the waste!

waste management with PAYT, tracking of waste, waste management with RFID, waste RFID, waste bags
waste management with PAYT, tracking of waste, waste management with RFID, waste RFID, waste bags

PAYT systems

Users can be involved in the run to the environmental goals in many ways; firsty, education and information campains are fundamental and necessary, although their effect shows longterm.

The most efficient and short term solution is implementing PAYT - Pay As You Throw - systems. PAYT systems involve a variable waste tax whose amount is evaluated based on the quantity of waste that is produced; therefore, these systems allow for a fairer taxation, benefitting the honest citizens.

Every container - whether it be bags or bins - are identified, tracked and associated to citizens and companies through a tracking technology, such as QRcode, barcode and RFID. Overall, RFID technology allows to reach the highest levels of separation and the lowest levels of mixed waste production.

This results in a win-win-win situation:

  • administrations reduce the cost of management and disposal of mixed waste, while quality of separation rises;
  • citizens are empowered, have an active role in the ecological transition and save tax money. It is a true grassroot change, in which every single action has a socio-economical concrete consequence.
  • the environment says thanks.

How to manage the waste chain with RFID

With RFID technology, it is possible to reach 98% of waste separation rate in small towns (up to 15k inhabitants), and 87% in larger cities (up to 500k inhabitants). These are very high figures, far higher than the European average, proving how much room for improvement there is in this sector.

Briefly, the whole process is:

  • A RFID tag, applied to the waste bag or container, allows to uniquely identify the object;
  • When distributing the smart container to the households and companies, the ID code and the ID code of the user are associated.
  • A reading system identifies the tag during collection.
  • A software solution manages data and the associations.

Waste management with tracking technologies allow to collect a great amount of data to analyze to improve the quality and the efficiency of the collection service and intervene when necessary.

waste management with PAYT, tracking of waste, waste management with RFID, waste RFID, waste bags
waste management with PAYT, tracking of waste, waste management with RFID, waste RFID, waste bags

EasyRFID waste management solution

EasyRFID can provide support for the implementation of the entire RFID waste tracking and management system, from the production of the RFID tag to hardware integration, to the data management software.

Data management and reporting

Reporting is perhaps the most delicate step in waste tracking systems, since it is the data structure on which the entire management is based, from distribution, to the registration of the disposal, to the calculation of the waste tax. We like to think that it is the foundation of the entire system. EasyRFID develops and integrates inline labeling systems for bags and containers, and data reporting processes.

RFID tags

Being a manufacturer of totally customizable RFID tags, EasyRFID has developed specific tags for outdoor use on bags, such as the Garbage IP68 tag, and bins, such as the Outdoor IP68 tag. Both types are IP68 and extensively tested in real situations.

The application of tags onto bags takes place during the production phase and is completed by in-line labeller integration in the production machinery and the final tunnel for data reporting and operation control. Waste bag and container tracking is fundamental to the optimal functioning of the system.


There are many many different reading systems for PAYT solutions, but none of them requires the operator to perform additional operations; the skills and the actions that they are required to do are no different from those of a system without identification technology. If the collection is door-to-door, reading devices could be mobile or wearable - such as gloves, wrist devices, EYMINIZ or handhelds - or fixed components, such as EasyTRUCK equipment for vehicles. If the collection system is based on dumpsters and collection sites, Easy SmartBin is the perfect solution, as it allows greatest control over the collection. Finally, skyscraper and building waste management usually has a different way of collecting waste compared to the waste management system; EasySHAFT solution allows to manage the waste identification even in an independent situation like that of building with internal waste collection.


In a complex management system such as that of the waste sector, the IDIot management software allows maximum traceability of the data collected and access by all the actors in the waste management chain to the platform and their specific data. The citizen can even check in real time how much his waste tax is!

Why pick EasyRFID

Choosing a supplier for RFID and tracking technologies require evaluation of many factors.

Wide selection of products

A wide selection of passive tags - UHF, HF, and NFC - is available, in many different shapes and materials, each of which suitable for specific applications.

Internal production of completely custom labels

Internal production

EasyRFID's products are made entirely internally to our company: this allows for high production control and a wide personalization capacity.

Quality check of RFID label rolls


The highly specialized quality control team inspects every single label roll in order to remove the non-working tags and provide 100% functional products.

Samples of custom RFID labels


We provide custom samples fast and completely compliant to the costumer requests.
