EasyTRUCK è una soluzione industriale, robusta e durevole dedicata al settore della gestione dei rifiuti. Un equipaggiamento che permette di affrontare qualsiasi approccio al conferimento del rifiuto, dallo svuotamento dei carrellati alla raccolta manuale dei sacchi e dei bidoncini. La robustezza della scocca garantisce l’uso anche nelle situazioni più estreme e a rischio urto.
Grado di protezione: IP66
Dimensione: 250 x 300 x 160mm / 98.42 x 118.11 x 63 inch
Peso: 550g / 19.4oz
Rugged design – IP67
Front resistant to up to 10 bar pressure washing
Remote reading control
≤ 8 antennas
Android 10 OS
Wi-Fi / Bluetooth / 4G
Reading button
This solution equips waste collection trucks in waste management systems with RFID. Whether the collection be done manually or with forks, this device is perfect for any collection vehicle and is highly customizable to meet any need.
It is a full-fledge stand alone solution that allows the integration of up to 8 fixed antennas or mobile/wearable devices - such as mini-reader EYMINIZ, EYMC/P handheld and EYGC glove - via bluetooth connection; the latter can be either left in continuous reading mode or be activated by the operator. Anyways, EasyTRUCK can display the read tags and notify the correct reading and data transmission, or any occurring issues via acoustic or light signals. Data are sent to the incloud database, ready to be recorded and analyzed.
EasyTRUCK allows location via GPS, crucial not only for data analysis and service enhancement, but also for route optimization software integration, safety and the control over operations for a greater guarantee to the citizen about data reliability.
Easy Srl
Via Galliera, 219 – 40050 Funo di Argelato (BO) – Italy
Via Resistenza, 7/4 – 41011 Campogalliano (MO) – Italy
Via Ianziti s.n.c., 82028 San Bartolomeo in Galdo (BN) – Italy
Phone: +39 051 862369 – Email: info@easyrfid.it